7833415 - Product Superseded

Product 7833415 is now a superseded item. We suggest replacing with item 7833389. Contact us with any further questions.

Support Block

Support Block, Flange Mount , Compatible diameters:1.150 in, 1.250 in, 1.500 in, 32 mm

Lead Time:  2 Weeks Lead times may increase with higher quantities. Lead time displayed in business days.


    Dimension Value
    A 80.00 mm (3.150 in)
    B 98.00 mm (3.858 in)
    C 79.00 mm (3.110 in)
    D 63.00 mm (2.480 in)
    D3 25.00 mm (0.984 in)
    E 14.00 mm (0.551 in)
    F 24.00 mm (0.945 in)
    N 4x 9.0 Thru, 14.0 C-Bore x 8.5
    S 50.00 mm (1.969 in)
    T 20.00 mm (0.787 in)
    U (Max) 20.00 mm (0.787 in)
    V (Min) 24.99 mm (0.984 in)
    V (Max) 25.00 mm (0.984 in)
    W 16.35 mm (0.644 in)
    X 1.35 mm (0.053 in)
    Y 23.90 mm (0.941 in)


    Specification Value
    End Journal Bearing Size 25 mm
    Fixed/Floating (Simple) Floating
    Total Weight 0.700 kg

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