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An Evolutionary Leap in the Case for Electric Actuators vs. Hydraulic Systems | 44 min

For decades, electric linear actuators have continued to evolve, offering designers cutting-edge technologies, intelligent control options and protection against the harshest environments. However, hydraulic systems remained a go-to solution for the heaviest duty applications. Today, that shrinking gap between electric and hydraulic has officially been closed thanks to the introduction of revolutionary electric linear actuators that are ideal candidates for hydraulic conversion. The latest models feature groundbreaking strength and a unique set of innovations and functionalities that make them not only an obvious choice for conversions but a solution that delivers a host of additional benefits. In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Past limitations and advancements of electric linear actuators over time, including key learnings.
  • Target applications for electric actuators.
  • New electric developments to ease conversions.
  • The current state of electric vs. hydraulic.

Presenter: Travis Gilmer, Product Line Manager - Linear Actuators, Thomson

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